Saturday, December 6, 2008


Well, the snow came, and WINTER came, in earnest--almost miraculously as soon as December arrived!

December 1st brought a pretty intense weather storm, with a few inches of snow, high winds, and then a drop into the deep cold.

Over the past week, we've had the deep freeze a few times (the temp as I drove to work yesterday was 6 degrees), we've had freezing rain, we've had sheets of ice, covered with snow.

Out of nowhere, it seems.

Yesterday's high temp was something like 17 degrees, and then last night, it went back up into the 20's -- and you know what that means....snow!

I am going to stay in this morning, while the plows work, and at least try to get my box of Yule decorations out of storage.
My goal is to not hurt my back again in that process!

Then, later, I simply HAVE to go out and run some errands. There's no cat food, for one thing!

I gave away my humidifier last spring, thinking I would not want to have to move it, and we could buy a new one when I got to OKC.

I got rid of some of my stuff last spring, in anticipation of the hoped-for move.

As a result, not only do I need a humidifier, but I also found that I needed to go out and buy a few winter clothes, because I had donated some of my warm things.

My condo was supposed to sell!! I was supposed to be moved away before another winter hit!! While it's 17 degrees for a high here, it's still in the 50's in Oklahoma!

But....I am still here, and it IS winter....and it's already as dry as January ("experts" have even said this...that our weather shifted so quickly and so drastically, and that it really is intense as it usually gets in January!!).
My skin is itchy, and my lips are already cracking and bleeding.

So, I must invest in a new humidifier TODAY, and this time, I will just keep, and MOVE, the sucker.
I know I will need one down in OKC, because D's apartment has forced air heat, and, I think, that's the standard down there. No one has basements, so no one has boilers for radiant or hot water heat, like I have here.

The time I was down there when it was colder out, I thought I was going to dry up like a leaf and blow away!! The forced air heat was VERY drying.

I had forced air in my house that I once owned, but there was a humidifier attached to the furnace, so it was never a problem.

One of my dad's sisters, my Aunt Janet, comes to visit us at this time every year.

She is driving back home today, across our state, and well into another, through this snow. I hope she's ok on her way.

I got to visit with her last night and the night before, but was unable to join the annual family outing because I could not get out of work.

Sometimes, being a manager really sucks.

I will get back to the honeymoon story some time soon....hope readers in our northern climes all are well and staying warm.

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