Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Is it Tuesday? Then it must be OKC.

I put in three applications yesterday, and one today so far.

One of yesterday's was a biller position at the University of Oklahoma health services, Oklahoma City branch, physicians' office. (got all that?!)

It might be advantageous, in many ways, to land a job with a branch of OU.

Outside of the fact that it's my late mother's alma mater.

That would just serve to make it all the cooler! *smile*

I've also put in with TWO more employment agencies now. One by mail last week, and another this morning, via the internet.

Finally heard from the employment agency I visited a few weeks ago. Not my individual rep, of course, but someone DID call. Finally.

They offered me a 4 day temp assignment, even though I filled out all of the paperwork stating that I want a direct hire, permanent job.

I COULD have said yes, and gone to work today, but I said no. I have the luxury of being able to turn down something like that at this moment.

I have been back in touch with Soraya Al Musri, and I start dance class tonight. The first class is free, so that helps me justify going.

Then, class is only $12 per week.

D used to spend more than that on cigarettes and eating out frequently, so it's not going to kill the budget.
Especially since there are no more cigarettes, and I am cooking 90% of our meals at home (made roasted chicken Sunday, made chicken broth yesterday, and am making soup with some of the broth today! That's a lot of use out of a $4 chicken!).

The weather this week has turned pretty nice again. D and I took a walk last night, and it was still 75 outside at dusk.

The wind is something one needs to adjust to, though. It just always blows.

Our apartment complex has a tribe of stray cats, who have finally discovered Jack. There was much yowling and unrest yesterday. *laugh*

I was surprised it took them this long to get his scent, but it finally happened. We had the windows open before, so it's not just because the windows have been open with the nicer weather. Not sure why they're suddenly interested in my boy.

So far, the one who was coming around yesterday seems to have gotten the hint.

I sprayed him in the face with water every time I caught him on the porch. Then, I sprinkled a mixture of essential oils outside. The aroma will keep him at bay until it's fully evaporated. I've also heard that coffee grounds sprinkled around will keep them away. They hate the smell.

I used my french press this morning, so today, there are grounds to sprinkle.

D also complained to the management.


Those poor cats are disease ridden trouble makers. Don't get me wrong, I ADORE cats....but I also recognize that wildness is not an endearing feature, when they're right up in your window.

Or when they're pooping on the grass, and your neighbors kids are outside playing. The poop has some kind of toxin in it that can cause disease....I just can't remember the name of the stuff at the moment.

I saw someone's little dog eating one of the cat turds the other day, too (I had previously stared in amazement at one of the wild cats, just crouching out in the open on the grass, taking a dump. This was how I knew that was what the dog was eating).
That also can't be good, especially if the little dog goes inside and throws up the turd, or licks the face of a child or pregnant woman.

Plus, these cats are flea ridden, and they probably carry rabies, feline leukemia, FIP, and all manner of diseases that can harm innocent indoor cats, like Jack.

Well, back to the job boards. Have a good Tuesday!

UPDATE: Had a phone call from a skilled nursing facility who found my resume on line.

Actually, I THOUGHT I had applied for this job, for office manager, but she did not say she was calling in response to an application.

Anyway, I had a brief phone interview, and now am waiting to hear back about a face to face interview, potentially for Thursday.

Wish me luck!

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