Friday, December 11, 2009

Glad THAT's over!

I didn't want to say anything here before, because, well, this is the issues, and all....but my husband was out of town from Tuesday until today.

I spent 3 nights here alone, and felt more alone in this town than I have felt before. I still don't have any friends, and I really noticed how isolated I feel.

Don't get me wrong. Things are going OK....I mean, I have a job, and I hear from people back home once in a while, so I still feel somewhat connected. Being with Dave is worth it....

But this really was a difficult few days. The only face to face interactions I had with anyone was at work, and 90% of my workday is spent alone in my office.


I was really, really glad to see Dave when I got home today!

Oh, and by the way, they remembered to pay me this time. That's a good thing!

OH...and p.s.: that training I got over the phone the other day? Those refunds I sent to corporate? They were ALL WRONG. I had to completely re-do them.

Gotta love this crap training I've been getting! Makes ME look like an idiot!!

I called the person who emailed me from corporate to tell me they were all wrong, and I explained to her that I was trained over the phone.

She directed me to the training and procedures manual on line at the company web site!

This will be a good resource, since I am, apparently, responsible for actually training MYSELF if I want to do things right!

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