Tuesday, April 13, 2010


One of the things I've noticed since I got here, that was not part of my very long blog post titled "I've noticed...." is the prevalence of vehicles that are missing a bumper.

Usually the front one.

All different shapes, sizes, and classes of vehicles--from 20 year old beaters to brand new luxury cars--- can be seen around these parts sans front bumpers.

It's like the vehicle owners have purposely removed them, and left them at home. Or something.

While most of the ones that are missing their bumpers are of the "beater" type, I HAVE seen several examples where the rest of the vehicle is pristine, clean, and well cared for...but the front bumper is missing.

By the highway a couple of weeks ago, I saw a large bumper-- like would belong on one of those very popular, testosterone laden, huge pick up trucks--just lying there, abandoned.

Then, I laughed out loud last weekend when Dave and I passed a place of business called "The Bumper Exchange," that had a fenced-in bin out front that was loaded with all sizes and colors of bumpers!

Is this where the bumpers go when they're removed? Do people sell their bumpers, like they sell their blood, or plasma, or ova?

Now, it may be true that every third or fourth car, truck, SUV, or van back in Chicagoland was ALSO without a front bumper...but, I never noticed it.

Yeah. It may be true....


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