Saturday, August 14, 2010


108 yesterday. 102 at the moment. Headed up to who knows how hot before sunset.

Got in my car after work the day before yesterday. Temp in the parking lot at work, 111.
The wind was so strong, and so hot, it hurt my eyes. Literally. Even after putting drops in them when I got home, they were red and sore for hours.

My sister was right....this is horrible.

My geranium is dying. I will have to start over with a new one next year, and bring it inside by the end of May so it doesn't cook. (I grew up in a house with a geranium in it that was 40 years when I got my own place, I started a new one. When I moved to OK, I gave that one to my sister, and started a new one when I got here....not knowing that the summer would kill it during its first year!)

Got the errands done before 1 today, in an effort to avoid the worst of today's heat. They did say today would be worse than yesterday, and yesterday was horrible.

I got a headache anyway, though.

Yesterday's headache was worse, though, and included facial flushing (bright red cheeks and throat/upper chest) and visual disturbance. That was lovely.

The hot weather made it so we missed the Perseids meteor shower yet again. I have not been able to see it for years, usually because it's been too cloudy back home.

This time, crystal clear skies, but 95 degrees at midnight.


There's a "cold front" coming some time before tomorrow morning, though.

In theory.

The predicted highs for next week will be back down in the 90's. One website even indicates possible upper 80's!!

I have heard we have had a record breaking hot summer here. I would believe that. It's been over 100 every day for at least 10 days now. Possibly longer than that, I've lost track.

The last time I remember it only being in the 80's was early July. Since then, it's been 95 or hotter, mostly hotter.

Had a new client this past week. She found me on the AMTA find a massage therapist website, and had her session on Wednesday, so that was good.
Especially since my other client that was scheduled for last weekend didn't come, and didn't reschedule.

Got confirmation from my tenant that the intends to renew her lease.

All of a sudden, she's all "Oh, I totally understand if you have to raise the rent," instead of "well, if you're going to raise the rent, I am going to have to find someplace else."

She's all "I'm so grateful to you for everything you've done for me," instead of "well, I've been looking for an apartment because I thought maybe you were going to kick me out."

What the fuck ever.

All that matters is that she is going to renew, and she's acting like her old self again.

Got my eyes checked and new glasses ordered. Finally.

Now, all that's left is finding a dentist and a regular doctor. Little by little, I am establishing my support system.

I have a chiropractor, a gynecologist, and an eye doctor. That's progress.

I am going to go lie down again.....that helps the headaches. Then later, cooking dinner for us and an extra batch to take to Dave's parents tomorrow.

Dave keeps telling them how much better of a cook I am than his ex wife...we intend to give them an example!

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