Monday, September 6, 2010

Three days

Hope everyone has had a nice holiday weekend. It's been SO nice to be off work for 3 days!

We took a great bike ride on Saturday morning, because it was SOOO nice out, but then the heat returned, and the wind came, so we have basically stayed in for the past 2 days.

Did a LOT of cleaning and laundry yesterday. Cooking today.

The good news is that the South Beach Phase One diet succeeded in dropping 5 pounds off of each of us in the first week.

The bad news? I gained all 5 pounds that I had lost BACK in a mere 2 days, from very minor deviations from the Phase One "no carbs" plan.

Holy shit! I had 2 tortillas, some wine, a slice of bread, and some pizza crust over the course of those days, and gained it ALL BACK.

What. The. Feck???

So, as of tonight, we are back on the diet. We'll see what happens.

Not wanting to go back to work, but looking forward to taking my two free hours off (for being employee of the month) at the end of the day Friday.

Have a good rest of the week!

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