Saturday, February 5, 2011

Dug out

So, we eventually got outside and used the shovel we bought last year. Back to work on Thursday, over largely unplowed roadways....what an adventure!

The only roads that get plowed here are the main highways, and a network of specific surface streets. Everything else is left alone, to get packed down into a dense, uneven, treacherous layer of thick ice. Several inches thick.

This happened last year, too. It's awful. Businesses and strip malls don't even hire crews to come remove their snow from their parking lots. It's very rough going in some places.

Last winter, on Christmas eve, we had a blizzard with 14 inches of snow, followed by several smaller snow falls over the next couple of months. People said they had not seen that much snow here in well over a generation.

And here it is happening again the very next winter, though the winter up til now has been very mild. More snow is forecasted for tonight, and next week, as well.

Officially, though, climate change is a hoax, in this state.


Anyway, we got to work okay on Thursday and Friday, and got out today to get our errands done. Never got stuck on the ice in any of the parking lots, or side streets...thankfully.

The temps went up pretty high today, after several days not only below freezing, but one where we didn't even get above 10 degrees. There was a lot of melting today, and at the moment, it's still 38 at 10:30 pm, so maybe some real progress with the melting will take place this weekend. It's supposed to be above freezing tomorrow, too.

Unfortunately, Dave now has something akin to the virus I've been fighting. He feels pretty rotten tonight. Time for some nyquil and bed.

Hope everyone is safe and warm.

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