Ahhhh...another weekend.
We went and saw the silent movie, "Nosferatu," last night at one of the music centers at the University of Oklahoma campus. There was live music accompaniment. It was SOO cool!
My german class teacher in high school got this movie from the library every year around Halloween, and we would watch it in class, with the original German subtitles, so the film itself is one to which I have sentimental attachment.
The music that was played was partially the original score that was written FOR THE MOVIE in the 20's. THAT was very cool!
Our weather has finally turned nice, and some are saying that we are finished with it being too hot to be fall. I hope they're right!
We got a few hours of rain the night before last, and word is also going around that the burn ban is going to be lifted next Tuesday.
We waited to decorate our front porch for Halloween until this weekend, and I am so glad we did, because, at other homes around the area where they put stuff up early, the recent wind and rain has ruined everything.
In other news, everyone involved in the process knows that the newly corrected lease was to have been presented to the condo tenant to sign on this past Tuesday evening, and put in the mail to me on Wednesday.
That means that it will arrive in TODAY's mail.
Apparently, the other occasions upon which we were told it was "in the mail" were, to try to put it politely, inaccuracies.... as the correction itself was never done until now.
Also, I received my first regular rent check from the new tenant, and he did NOT follow the instructions we were told he was given to NOT PAY ME for the days at the beginning of October, during which his access to the property was blocked.
I am pleased that he chose to do what was RIGHT, instead of what he was told to do.
No Halloween parties this weekend. The only one we were invited to was last weekend, and it was a specific theme of superheroes/supervillains.....and we weren't really interested in spending money on those kinds of costuming projects, so we said no.
None of our other friends are having parties this weekend, and I've heard from folks at work that this is pretty rampant around here this year. Everyone's holding on to their money very tightly, it seems.
Speaking of trying to be prudent with funds, we have decided that we are going to switch over and use my company's benefits instead of Dave's.
The company I work for has a statewide group, too, but our group has FAR more people in it than the gas company, and the premiums are lower, and deductible on the product is lower, and the coverage is about the same. Plus, no copays with my program.
An added bonus is that Dave's employer STILL PAYS the credit to employees who opt out of carrying the company's health insurance. My company took that away at the beginning of this year, and it effectively resulted in ME getting a $60 cut in take home pay per month.
So....this will work out that I will see a cut in take home pay, but Dave will see an increase that eliminates the impact of my cut.....so doing this switch will be like having free health insurance premiums.
Let's hope that the gas company doesn't wise up any time soon!
Addendum: AAAAAAaaaaaaannnnnnd.....we still HAVE NO VALID LEASE ON MY PROPERTY! GREAT!
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