Sunday, April 22, 2012

beauty etc.

This shrub grows in my back yard. I have no idea what it is, but it smells heavenly, and it attracts hundreds of this one (and the two others in this frame). I took this shot yesterday, along with a dozen or so other shots.

I really need a book of insects and butterflies for this region. I've never seen one like this before, and he was stunning.

So...Auntie Caca? If you see this, your expertise in gardening and insects will be needed!

In other news, last Thursday, we got tickets to see the movie of a Grateful Dead concert from Alpine Valley in July of 1989 (that was the one summer tour that I missed going to Alpine).

Some friends of ours from "Radio Paradise" pass through Oklahoma once a year for some kind of seminar, and they were here at that time.

We had been planning to go to dinner with them, but then I realized that they were due here on the same date at this "meet up at the movies" thing, and that one of them was once a Dead Head.

So, I got in touch, asked if they'd be interested, they said, we met at the theater instead of at a restaurant.

I had hoped that there would be lots of people there, and that it might sort of be the old festival atmosphere...but, sadly, there were only about 12 other people in the theater, and they sat down the whole time during the film.

I suppose theater security would not have let us dance at our seats anyway....

The viewing experience was very, very nostalgic and emotional for me. The show was mostly great, except for some rough spots...which, if I recall correctly, were normal parts of every show I ever saw in person.

It was fun, but it was a very late night for a work night.

I was so tired Friday after work that we didn't go out and get our errands done like usual. We just waited til yesterday to do everything, which we don't like to do, because it takes up half the weekend.

We got everything done yesterday, though, and still had some time to relax.

Did I mention that I was having a really hard time finding a dance costume for this next performance that is in first AALIM dance world performance?

For some reason, my size, in gold, is popular enough to be sold out by virtually every web site that sells such stuff.

I finally ended up finding a costume on a website that was pricier than I had wanted...but they posted an item that was SUPPOSED to be big enough to fit an adult other words, the hip belt was bigger than 32 inches (HIPS...yes, I was having a hard time finding hip belts bigger than 32!!), and a bra with a ribcage measurement bigger than 28-30 inches.

Where do these tiny, tiny belly dancers live, because I have never, EVER met one.

Anyway, I ordered the costume I ordered because they website said they had it in gold, and it was supposed to have a 41 inch belt (3 inches too big, but no big deal, it's easy to move hooks), and a bra with a 37 inch rib cage (way too big, but again, easy to alter).

After waiting about a week longer than I was supposed to, I discovered that this website was in TURKEY, and my costume was coming FROM TURKEY (one drawback of the internet, is you often don't know the location of the warehouse from which your merchandise is going to ship!).

I emailed and they responded immediately that my order had been shipped, and they gave me a tracking number. Of course, the package arrived the next day.

I took the items out of the shipping bag, and I was appalled. The belt is 38 inches....thank GOD my hips are 38 inches!! It was supposed to be 41 inches, but instead, it barely fits around me.

The bra, which was supposed to have a 37 inch rib cage band was 30 inches. THIRTY!!! That would probably fit a 12 year old....

SO, since I had gotten immediate response on my first email, I emailed them again, and asked how it happened that the item that I had ordered was not shipped to me...but instead, items that were substantially smaller.

Of course, no reply what so ever.

I don't have time to ship this thing back to Turkey and wait for them to send me a new set that's the one I I am trying to alter this one myself.

I bought a "bra extender" that I have sewed to the back strap. It gives is JUST enough length to get it around me. But now, I have to figure out how the hell to make the white bra extender match the gold sequined bra.

What a crock of shit.

All of that money for something that doesn't fit. I am PISSED.

I have sent them another email and made it very clear that I will never do business with them again, and neither will any of my friends in the dance

For anyone out there, never, EVER order anything from


bhd said...

First off, that is a gorgeous picture!

Re: the shrub. Is it evergreen? From the photo it looks so, but I can't be sure.

I'm thinking Ceonothus of some sort.

triskele said...
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triskele said...

thanks....i had replied, but now neither of us are sure if it lost its leaves this past winter or the evergreen factor is uncertain. the leaves are slightly glossy, aren't they....boxwood was one possible, but the flowers we found on line don't match. hmmm...

bhd said...

Check out osmanthus, too. It sure is pretty!

triskele said...

my friend Mary up in Oregon suggested privet/lingustrum. I looked it up, and we have a winner!! After last night's raging rains, no blossoms are left.