Sunday, October 14, 2012

Cookin' with gas!

We finally got some appreciable rain yesterday.  Haven't heard yet how much, but it rained on and off all day, heavily at times.

It's only 5 months late!

We have started to re-introduce alcohol and grain into our diet the past few days.  I am pretty sure I don't like how flour makes me feel.

I had some crackers with my soup for lunch the other day, and felt queasy after.  Then, on Friday, we went all out and had pizza and beer.

Saturday, I felt tired and bloated and out of sorts.  Kind of like I had been feeling for months prior to the elimination diet.

Good information! 

So far, no notable reaction to red wine or a shot of whiskey.  

My biggest news right now, though, is THE NEW STOVE!!!

It arrived Friday.  Dave took that day off from work, and did the installation himself.  I cooked on it last night for the first time.

In three years of not being able to cook with gas, there were some adaptations to make!  I will remember how to do it in short order, though!

1 comment:

bhd said...

Cooking with gas is good. Cooking with gas is wise.