Sunday, February 2, 2014

Ground Hog Superbowl Day!

Just a's not me who puts hyper links in this folding table, and work comp.  That's happening automatically. Weird.


They say that since the groundhog saw his shadow on Superbowl day, that winter will go into 6 weeks of overtime.


So...what's been going on?  Let's see...

We've been having some real winter weather in central Oklahoma this year...this is good. Maybe the black widows and brown recluses will decrease this summer.  We've had several nights of sub freezing temps, and even some days.

Today, I shoveled about 3 inches of wet snow off of the patio and driveway.  I did it because I wanted to. Dave would have insisted, but I asked him to let me do it.  I wanted the exercise, and the cold air in my lungs. I love winter.  Always have.

Update on my desk at work:  There is no update.  My desk was supposed to have been rebuilt and made 4 times larger WITH a keyboard tray before the end of January..but....they apparently lost the order for the parts.

So it will be an additional 6 to 8 weeks.

So it's been 6 months now that I have been working every day of every week at an ergonomically incorrect work station, be it folding table, or incredibly tiny desk.

I really like my job, but this part of it has sucked monkey balls.  My right arm is in almost constant pain, my left hand tingles all the time, and my neck is sore.

I don't go work comp because there are 20 of us in the same situation, and none of them have gone work comp...we just complain about the pain and keep hoping that something is done about it.

And I have officially been there 6 months now, so I have vacation time on the books now, too!

My company party was a week ago last Friday.  Finally (it was postponed from December, because there was a huge storm predicted that never came). It was really fun, and I won a Keurig coffee maker, and a free day off!  Sweet!!

Over the past several months, in my dance class, I have been learning a really difficult choreography.  I figured it was good for me to dance to  music I hated, doing choreography that felt un-natural and strange.

I made myself practice really hard, and I worked at it a lot, and I made this dance MY BITCH!  

Dance studio showcase was last night, the one time I will perform this number, and I had gotten to the point that I liked it.  I made myself work at it, and I made myself dance it....  not just learn it, but DANCE it.

There's a huge difference.

I hope it looked good from the audience.

I volunteered to be stage manager last night, too.  It worked out great, except for the holier than thou divas whom I fully expected to give me shit when I tried to tell them they needed to get down to the stage for their entrance.

What the fuck ever. Seriously.

My job was to tell them that everyone was waiting, their job was to tell me that they can fucking well wait for US, because we're the princesses.

Yeah, it really is like that.

Anyway...other than their utter bullshit, it went great!  Total success.

Then this morning, we got the snow, and the forecast calls for 2 more storms before this coming week is over.  I am secretly hoping that the dance studio will close on Tuesday, and that work might even close!

And then, just now Dave's mom called in distress.  She had an upper G.I. at the beginning of the week, and for some reason feels worse today than she felt before the procedure.  So, my step son, who lives in the same town as mom and pop, is headed over there with his girlfriend, who has medical training.

We may be going to the hospital here in a little while.  Ugh.

ADDENDUM:  Long, dramatic story short:  Eric took Mom to the E/R, where Dave met them, and then Eric went back to the inlaw's and made sure Dad got some dinner.  Dave stayed at the E/R with mom, who was just having a panic attack, and who was also diagnosed as dehydrated and hypokelemic (low potassium), both of which come from the fact that she and dad dont't eat or drink right--especially lately since she's been feeling bad and needed an upper G/I.  So, she's home, Dave's home, and we go from there.

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