Sunday, September 6, 2015

Labor Day Weekend already?

I've been doing mostly okay, I would say.

My finger and toe tips are still numb, and now I am concerned that one treatment will leave me permanently damaged in this way.

Dave's doctor said it can last from a year to forever.

My doctor, however, has not said that yet, so I am not despairing.  It's just extremely aggravating and makes it really difficult to type.

Dave did some research into it, and one thing they can do is make the treatment last 6 hours instead of 3 for just that one bag, which would put us there for 9 hours on treatment day instead of 6.

We'll just have to wait until next Thursday to find out what the plan is.

In other news, I got a tick bite the other day, and am now having to take anti-lyme-disease antibiotics that make me dizzy.


But really?  Compared to how most other folks end up sick, and often hospitalized, during chemotherapy, I am doing remarkably well.

Even one of my facebook friends has a young daughter who has been hospitalized multiple times with only 5 rounds of chemo, and I am an "old lady"  who really hasn't had a lot of trouble in 9 rounds.

So far this weekend, I have done grocery shopping, 4 loads of laundry, some cooking and cleaning, a little thrift store shopping, and helped Dave put a coat of primer on the front of the shed.

It's supposed to be 100 degrees out today, so I will be staying inside.

I need to sweep, do some more cooking and cleaning, and maybe start cleaning my office in advance of having a house guest next month (I don't want to wait until the last minute, so if I get a head start, it will be easy as the time grows closer).

We don't have any holiday plans at all, which is just fine with me.  It's going to be too hot anyway.

We will put another coat of primer on the shed in the morning.  We did today's painting before breakfast in order to avoid the intensely hot weather.

Hope whoever is reading this has a lovely Sunday, and if you're in the US, I hope you have a good Labor day!

Can't believe it's already here...but in a way, very glad that this year is moving along.  It's been a tough one.

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