Sunday, June 19, 2016

Father's Day

It's going to be a very hot Father's Day in Oklahoma this year.  We've been having nasty hot weather lately.  Hotter than usual for this time of year.  I hope that doesn't mean we're in for another record breaking summer like a few years ago.

We'll go down this afternoon and visit with Pop, and take him a card and some home made food.

Dave's next eldest brother, Larry, will be coming down from Kansas with his wife.  It will be good to see them, and we are glad they are coming to visit Pop, too.

I miss my dad a lot of the time.  I think sometimes about how he might have done better with cancer treatment techniques that exist now, as opposed to what was available to him in the late 90s.

We had a lovely day yesterday, getting up early, and making the most of our off time.  My friend Julie came over for a while, and then Dave and I went and got pedicures.

Dave loves pedicures, who would have thought?  So we try to go get one at least once a year, during sandal season.

It's a luxury, but we are allowed a luxury once in a while.  We work hard for those times, and enjoy them!

Got the laundry done, and some cleaning.  Enjoyed some cocktails and the hot tub, and stayed up late.

Other than visiting Pop today, I hope to do some coloring and music playing.

Still doing well with the new medication.

I see the dentist on Tuesday, and hopefully, all the news there will be good.   (i've been experiencing a sort of strange sensation in the upper left when I floss... like the teeth are numb.)

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