Sunday, February 26, 2017

Feeling better....

Well,  I had not been sick like that for many years.

I had a low grade fever for 4 days, missed 2 days of work, and had a pretty rough week, all things considered.

I never got a high enough fever for it to be a concern.  I called my doctor's office on Monday to alert them that I was on day 3 of a fever that remained steady at about 2 degrees above my normal, had a scratchy throat, slight head ache, copious (but clear) sinus congestion, tickly cough, a clogged ear, and felt exhausted.

I had to leave a voice message, like usual, and said I was not overly concerned about it, because the fever was low, and there were no body aches, chills, or nausea.

With the flu season in high gear around here, I was probably dealing with a nasty cold virus.

The nurse never called me back, so I never felt the need to go to an urgent care.  It truly just felt like something that would have to run its course.

I'm very grateful that a nagging cough never developed, because that compounds the exhaustion.

I can't remember the last time I felt ill enough to miss two days of work, but, in my work place, this bug has been going around and knocking EVERYONE out for at least two work I didn't feel guilty.  Even my area supervisor left early and was off the next day at the end of the week.

I went back to work on Wednesday because there was no fever when I got up.

Of course, the fever cycled up and down several times that day, but I made it through the work day just fine.

That night, however, 4 days of fever -and not enough fluid intake- resulted in one of the worst nights of leg cramps I have ever had.

I lost count of how many small ones there were.  There was not much sleep that night.

About a half hour before the alarm, though, I had the mother of all leg cramps, where my toes were pointed AND angled out (so it was the back of my calf AND the outside of my calf all spasming at the same time).

I almost fell when I jumped out of the bed to try to stop it, because I could NOT stop it.  I could not get my heel to release to the floor to unlock the cramp.

It was intense, and long lasting.

I'm still limping, and anticipate that there will be a bruise on my leg soon, as the tissue had to have experienced trauma.

My only explanation is that I slept so much during my time sick that I was not able to keep up with fluid intake.

On Wednesday evening, I had also drank a couple of shots of whiskey to ease my throat.  It wasn't much, but on top of already being dehydrated, it was probably a bad judgement call.

Anyway, I was exhausted at work on Thursday, but I've dealt with that plenty of times in the past, and know how to cope.

It was a beautiful day, so I took two short walks on my breaks to get out into the fresh air and try to begin to regain my stamina.  (the leg didn't hurt yet)

Friday was much cooler out, so I didn't walk on my breaks, and my leg was locked up hard anyway with pain from the cramp on Wednesday night.

It was so sore, it even hurt to touch it.

I felt better in every other way, though, by Friday.

The only lingering symptom I have is copious, clear sinus discharge, and crackly ear drums.

Yesterday, we ended up spending time with friends for most of the afternoon, so today, I have a little catching up to do, but it will still be an easy day.

I have used the weekend effectively to relax and continue to regain my strength.

Hoping to get back on the workout routine starting tomorrow.

Everyone have a good week!

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