Sunday, March 11, 2018

Finally, some down time

This weekend has actually had some measurable down time for me!!

I got my monthly massage yesterday, and we got in the hot tub last night.

I really needed it, as I have been given a new task at work that is all data entry, and it has had my neck and shoulders in knots.

Had my monthly shot and a nurse visit on Thursday.  I was able to tell her about my increased fatigue, constant mouth issues (though the horrible canker sores are improved, they still do come, and there is also the ever present dry mouth and weird taste), and other side effects from the chemo pill that seem to be increasing again.

I wasn't able to schedule my scan day for April because the doc wasn't there to order it, but I should hear from them this week to get that set up.

Obviously, my hope is that everything will still be stable, and that maybe the chemo can stop for a while.

Today, we hope to FINALLY get to work on our taxes.  We've never done them this late before.

Dave was supposed to meet up with his son today, for the first time since the horror that was Christmas Eve.

Eric backed out.  So "the talk" still hasn't happened.  Oh well! 

I'm glad that Dave will be here all day, so that we can do the stuff we need to do.

I also have a couple of cooking projects, and some laundry to do.  We'll be going to get some sheets and towels first, but that won't take long.

I got a lot done yesterday, which was very satisfying.  Even cut back the artemesia plant out back that desperately needed to be tamed.

Best wishes for a nice Sunday to anyone out there who reads this!

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