Sunday, July 15, 2018

Dropped ball

Well, despite the fact that we discussed it with our banker, have a confirmation email, and a signed form stating that we wanted our loan funds to be direct deposited (since we got the loan from our actual bank).... the money never showed up.

Dave called Friday, since we were off (one of the reasons we were off was to pay off all of our debts with the loan money), and they mailed us a check.

Yes. Our bank mailed us a check that we now have to take BACK to them to deposit.

I know, right?  Paper, postage, fuel, and time ... all wasted.

Dave had asked if they would please stop pay the check and deposit the funds directly, like the paperwork and email said, and like we discussed face to face.

Nope.  Our personal banker apologized, but said that could not be done to correct their mistake.

So, of course, the mail arrived yesterday long after the bank was closed.

We now have to wait until tomorrow to deposit it.  Of course, we work til 5, so Dave will have to go during work hours to get it there in the morning, so it's credited to the account sooner.

It was still a good day off on Friday, but the big thing we wanted to do that day..... well..... we had to make minimum payments on a couple of the credit cards again.

The patio furniture paint project turned out great.  The table top and chairs are "expanded metal," in an open diamond pattern, and it's hard to see the cool rainbow colors unless you're at the right angle, so it really is iridescent, and very cool.  Sadly, though, it doesn't really show in pictures.

I started on it early, but was still overwhelmed by sweat on many occasions.  I had to come inside to take breaks and cool off, even though I was just sitting in the shade.

I got sunburn, too, sitting in the shade!  Wow... But it was worth it.  I love the look!

Our 10th anniversary dinner was fabulous. It's a good thing we budgeted for it because DANG!!

Dave also sent me 10 roses to my office.  They are beautiful, and are opening up nicely.

Today is our quiet day.  We are going to try to make it kind of a retreat, with a minimum of exposure to news and social media and a focus on something spiritual.

We need much more of that.

I'll be making pulled pork in the crock pot.

That is, if Dave ever gets up.  I need him to get the crock pot out of the shed for me (I'm an arachniphobe, and they are THICK around here).

It's a cloudy morning, and there is distant thunder, so he isn't getting out of bed....

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