Sunday, January 20, 2019

To march or not to march...

The Oklahoma version of the Women's March is today at the capitol.

We made our signs last night, and planned to go, but Dave started feeling sick late yesterday.

Sore throat, stuffy head.

This morning, unfortunately, he's worse.  He's saying he is achy all over, he has chills, and his head hurts, too.

There is no fever, though, so it's possibly NOT the actual flu.

He's going to go back to bed after we eat breakfast.  If he still feels as bad after that as he does now, we will go to urgent care to get him tested.  If it's flu, and he starts tamiflu today, IF we can afford it, he'll be in better shape than if we wait.

He got a flu shot this year for the first time, to protect his dad and me.  Hopefully, if it IS the flu, he won't get really sick.

Anyway, I think we missed the march last year because it was wet way too cold out for me to stand in the wind for hours (with a compromised immune system due to constant chemo).

Yesterday was in the 20s with 40-50 mile per hour winds, but today is clear and sunny, and should be in the 40s.

Still cold to be out in for hours, but not like if it had been yesterday, and I am no longer on chemo!

I COULD, in theory, go alone....and that is on my mind as a possibility.  It kind of depends on if we are going to urgent care this afternoon or not.

Tomorrow is a day off for my office, so Dave took off, too.  Glad we don't have to worry about work on top of him being sick.

Fortunately, we got all of our errands done yesterday, and all that's on the plan for today is for me to do a couple of cooking projects.

If I don't march, I can take care of Dave, and read, and practice some of the yoga I learned yesterday at my first ever real yoga class.

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