Sunday, August 30, 2020

Slow news week

 There really isn't much to blog about this week.

We worked, we ate, we slept... We took our sunrise walks, and our 9:30 am walks during my break, and I napped during my 2:30 pm afternoon breaks.  

There was no drama, no stress, no excitement.

Dave had the first televisit with a doctor that either of us has had.  That was kind of cool, and it went well.

There's no news yet from Pop's place about how the auction of his things went, or when we need to go clear the rest out.  Dave will probably call tomorrow to check.

It was 104 degrees on Friday, with a heat index of 110, and I got one of my heat migraines.  (Those bizarre headaches that I get during extreme heat, even though I do not set foot outside).  The halo in my vision made work a bit challenging, but I got through it, and the migraine was gone by bed time.

It was supposed to be over 100 degrees again yesterday, but something shifted, and we only had temps in the mid to upper 80s!  That was a relief!  

There was a little rain last night.

There are no more baby cucumbers on my vines, so a harvest of four cucumbers over the season is going to probably be my total.  One vine is clearly at the end of its life, while the other still appears to be happy and healthy, but not productive.

The cherry tomato plant is COVERED with green tomatoes, so I still have hope of an eventual bounty from that plant, despite it being all spindly.

I cut one of the tiny watermelons yesterday. None of them ever got any bigger than a handball.  It was all seeds inside.  So frustrating.

One of my container gardening friends said that the size of the pot should have been who knows?

It was a pretty plant.  I can just enjoy that part, I guess.

This coming week will likely be pretty much the same... work, sleep, work, sleep.... but the week after that is the week of Labor Day, and we are on vacation that week.

We're hoping to get back to one of the parks we've visited recently, mid week, to hopefully be able to enjoy it without the crowds.

Today, I have an online meeting with the other students in my program.  They are all in the UK, so it will be evening for them, but mid afternoon for me.  I am very excited about "meeting" them.

Looks like we might get more rain over the next few days.  Dave mowed the back yard on Thursday evening, and the front yesterday, so we are all good on that front.

We might try to get our guitars dusted off today, and try to play a little.  It's been weeks!  

We were doing really well there for a while... Dave was learning some chords!  But then, something happened in the world to upset us again, and we just ... stopped.

Dave will have to start over, but that will be fine.  

Wishing you all a good week. May it be peaceful and stress free!

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