Well, today, in Oklahoma Weather, things could get interesting.
It has been really cold the past couple of days, with "100% chance of rain," but not one drop falling. Which is good, because it would have been an ice storm on Friday if it had rained.
We are still in an exceptional drought, since last summer, unfortunately.
Today, it's supposed to warm back up, and then, tonight, we could see hail, 80 mph straight line winds, and tornadoes.
Weather that is normally expected in April and May.
So, we will put the grill under the car port, as well as anything else that might be damaged by large hail, and wait it out.
Hopefully, the forecasters will be wrong about this, like they've been about the rain.
Little Zoey pulled her feeding tube out last week, and is now at home! Mommy is having a rough time, since Daddy has to work (and he works in a restaurant, so he has restaurant hours), but Mommy's grandma came to help yesterday.
Zoey is still very tiny, and visitors have not yet been welcomed, so my family has only met her once, and that was back on Superbowl day, in the hospital.
This past Friday, we saw the re-birth of the February Birthday Sushi Night with friends. We did that for a few years, prior to the pandemic. We celebrate Dave, his bestie, Lindsay, and one of my besties from the dance studio, Deidre.
This year, Lindsay brought her boyfriend. Maybe next year, our newer friend Lori, who was ALSO born in February, will come along!
We missed it for the past two years!! It was lots of fun, and the food was, as always, spectacular.
This weekend has been a good mix. Spent about 2 hours getting errands done yesterday, then came back and did chores, and I made a wonderful dinner.
I'd never tried cooking ribs - of any kind - before, and wanted to give it a shot in my new, beautiful braising pan. I got 4 beef short ribs, and did a red wine and garlic braise.
The result was AMAZING. I am definitely doing this again. I'd also like to try Korean style beef short ribs some time.
Today, other than doing some storm prep outside, we will HOPEFULLY get the taxes done. There is no need for a professional to help us, and charge us hundreds of dollars, this year. We'll go back to Turbo Tax.
I also have some spiritual work that I want to do.
We might go for a walk as well, since it's going to be nice out, ahead of the storm. I hope I can get Dave motivated to do that.
Sometimes, it's virtually impossible to get him to get up from his chair and his scrolling the internet. Ugh.
Anyway, back to the office tomorrow for my weekly day, unless there's storm damage. Have a good week!