Sunday, February 5, 2023

Februrary Full Moon

 Well, this has been quite a weekend for my family.  

I think it's probably okay to share here, since I don't have many readers, but if you are on my other social media platform, please don't say anything in public view. 

My nephew (my sister's son) and his partner announced, a few months ago, that they were expecting a baby, due at the beginning of March.

They didn't share this information on social media for several weeks.

My niece in law had a rough time with the pregnancy, developing gestational diabetes, but managing it okay. The past few weeks, though, she was increasingly miserable.  

I was chatting with her this past week, and she was having all kinds of issues.

I asked how her blood pressure was, and she never really answered me, but said she had an appointment Friday for her last ultrasound and a check up.

When she went on Friday, they discovered that she was in Pre-eclampsia, and sent her to the hospital.

Labor was induced Friday evening around 8 pm.  She didn't start contractions until around 7 the next morning, and wasn't dilating.

They manually broke her water late yesterday afternoon, and thought things were progressing.   She was still only at 3 centimeters, and that should have stepped things up. 

Apparently, it did not, and I didn't hear anything else until this morning.  

They FINALLY did an emergency C section at 4:30 this morning, about 12 hours after breaking the water.

Little Zoey came out at 4 pounds 6 ounces, 17.2 inches long.  

Both mommy and baby have to stay in the ICU for a day or so, until their magnesium levels normalize, and, well, so they can recover from the traumatic process of this birth.

My nephew is headed home to get some sleep.  They don't want anyone to come visit, so my sister and brother in law, and Elizabeth's mom, aren't able to go see them yet.  That has to suck really hard.

Zoey is almost exactly 4 weeks early, so she will have to stay in the NICU for a while.


Anyway, my nephew has asked me not to share any pictures on FB, so I am taking the extra step of not saying anything either, just in case. 

In other news, I have been feeling pretty good this past week, so that's encouraging.  After my first treatment, I had a lot more fatigue.

We never got the ice storms that they kept warning us about, so that was good, but we also didn't get the much needed precipitation we were hoping for.

Today is a beautiful day, for April, after the days of sub freezing, and wind chills barely above 0F.

It's supposed to rain later in the week, so fingers crossed.

Dave's 64th birthday is this coming Wednesday.  I had thought about doing another card bomb for him, but I spaced it out.  It didn't really work last year, anyway, so maybe I'll do it next year, for 65.

Nothing much else to report. I am going to make Julia Child's bouef bourguignon recipe this afternoon.... haven't done that for years, but it needs doing.  I am looking forward to it!

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