Sunday, January 29, 2023

Winter's return

 The weather has been pretty mild since that deep freeze and blizzard just before Christmas.

As of this morning, though, we are back down to 20 degrees, and the forecasters keep changing their tunes for next week.

At first, it was supposed to be an ice storm on Monday, so I made arrangements to go to the office this past Friday to pick up work, just in case.

Then, they moved the ice to Tuesday. Then they moved it back to Monday afternoon. 
As of now, Monday is dry.


I am not going to go to the office tomorrow, because if they don't know, neither do I, and I am not wanting to get stuck having to stay at the office until Wednesday!

Sure, there's a shower room, and a bunk room, for the paramedics...but no.

Anyway, we went from 63 degrees yesterday, to where we are now, and won't be above freezing all week, with waves of sleet, ice, and snow expected before the weather breaks next weekend, and we are back up in the 60s.

I hate the Oklahoma weather roller coaster. Truly.

My second treatment went well, in and of itself. 

No headache the moment the Enhertu went into my veins. Felt fine during the whole 4-ish hours. 

 However, my reaction to the steroids this time was far worse.

I had hoped, since it was relatively mild last time, that it would continue to be so.


I was awake almost all night the night of treatment, and had to work the next day, which was full of mood swings, exhaustion, and insatiable hunger.

My face was hot and pink by afternoon, and I had ONE beer on Friday night, and my face turned bright red - just from that tiny bit of alcohol.

Then, on Saturday morning, my face was still red, itchy, hot, and so puffy that I didn't recognize myself in the mirror.  The hunger started to ease off, and the moods calmed down, but the insomnia was still an issue part of Saturday night.

I finally slept after tossing and turning for almost 4 hours. 

Everything started to get fully back to normal about 48 hours after treatment, on Saturday afternoon.  

I was in bed at 9:30 last night, and did not get up until 9 this morning. 

What I don't understand is why my team has nothing to say about how to make this part of treatment less impactful.  Doc just says it's nothing to worry about.

Have you had to live through it every 3 weeks, Doc?  Isn't there SOMETHING to take the edge off?

Anyway, today, with the weather change, we are not planning on doing much of anything outside of the house.  I have some reading to work on for my course, and want to do some seasonal updates in my sacred space.

Since I don't have to work at the office this week, I can sleep until 6:45 every day...that will be a luxury.

Today's menu is Asian flavored meat loaf with roasted carrots and rice. 

I made Moroccan chicken last night, so between the two, we will have yummy, warming left overs for the week.

Dave filled the car's gas tank on Friday, and we got all of our errands done.  

Hopefully, the ice won't get so bad that we need to drag out the generator.  Fingers crossed, please!

Have a good week. 

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