Sunday, April 9, 2023

Three day weekend

 This is the third day of our three day weekend.  The weather has been perfect, so far!

I got my heart ultrasound on Friday, and saw the results on the patient portal.  I am worried, but won't say more until I talk to my care team.

We got some errands done, and a bit planting.  There's a little planter box built into the stone work by the front steps, and the succulents I had in there, which had previously done exceptionally well, died during the Yule deep freeze. 

I replaced them with creeping phlox, which I had in that planter previously.

After that, we drained, cleaned, and re-filled the hot tub.

Then, yesterday, we did more errands, and I cleared out the herb garden, and got some plants out of their pots, and into the ground.

I hope they continue to thrive.  They survived the winter by being placed in the shed when the temperature dropped below freezing, but they were getting too cramped in their pots.

There could be some rain tonight, and tomorrow, to help them to get established.

After I cleared out the herb garden, Dave cut back the dead stuff in the front flower bed, and today, he will mow the front yard. 

We head to Illinois soon, and want the house to look like people live in it, HAHA!

Unfortunately, Dave put off mowing for too long, and now we have to pay someone to do the back.  It grows SO MUCH thicker and fuller than the front, and is a varied mix of weeds, with some grass.

Anyway, I am going to make us pancakes for breakfast, and there's bacon in the oven. 

After breakfast, we are going to go take a woods walk.  The chores will wait until after I have had my nature time!

I will try to post a mid week update, based upon what I hear from my care team. Have a good week!

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