Sunday, July 23, 2023


 Well, mama Sammie moved the kittens somewhere else WELL before our appointment with the Humane Society.

We were afraid that would happen, because that's instinctual for cats.  We have no idea where she took them, and now, she has probably moved them again.

So, we were not able to rescue them.  She is still coming for meals, though, so we know she's still close by...just not on our property.

In other kitten news, I found someone to adopt Sora, and that was completed this past Monday. She is now happily in her forever home!

Quite frankly, I got tired of the delays and the foot dragging, and took control of the situation. 

Fortunately, a friend of a friend was looking to adopt a kitten, and we really liked her, so she got to take Sora home.

A "cool" front came through, so it's been below 90 degrees the past two days.  We need to get the yard work done today, and then later, I am going to do some Japanese style chicken on the grill.

My next echocardiogram is on Wednesday (thanks to me advocating for myself again, because my doctor's office never sent the order like they were supposed to).  

Please send all of the good wishes that my heart is not in any worse shape.

Have a good week!

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