Sunday, June 16, 2024

Busy week

 Had a lot going on this past week.  

Heart ultrasound came back fine. Oncology visit went fine. Treatment went fine.  Physical therapy went fine... HAHA...

We have progressed to begin working on my lower back issues in p/t.  Just started that on Friday, though.

I HAVE been doing my own self therapies, given my experience as a massage therapist, and dancer, and that has been helping a LOT.

My physical therapist encouraged me to continue doing what I am doing, and add in what he teaches me.

Dave's upper respiratory issue has FINALLY started to clear out.  Last night was the first night he didn't cough once, and we both got some good sleep at last.

I got out and mowed the back yard yesterday morning, before it got insanely hot outside.  Dave did the front.

Then, I did my indoor chores, and we ran some errands.

We met up with our friend who has the Chicago hot dog and beef food truck, and took him the beer we got for him in Wisconsin.

It was a good day, which ended with me making scallops and linguine for dinner.  One of my favorites!

Friday, the day after chemo, I had a pretty strong steroid reaction this time, and had a rough time with an issue at work.

I dread going to the office tomorrow, anticipating that my supervisor, or worse, the director, will come to my desk to "discuss" it.

One of the payment posters did a refund to a credit card for a patient in the incorrect amount.  She argued with me about it, so I escalated it to the supervisor, who then agreed with the payment poster, and escalated it to the director, making me the bad guy.


I've been doing refunds for 10 years at this job.  I can do math.  The amount was wrong. Period.

SO... I have that going for me.  It's actually been causing me to lose sleep this weekend.

I hate that I have no choice but to work, and to stay at this job.

Unfortunately, when my supervisor called me to discuss the issue, I had to stop speaking because I was going to cry.  Steroids make me very emotional, and it's hard to control how I react.

SO, when she would say something, I would pause, and just say "okay."  When she finally asked me why I was doing that, I just was honest with her and said "Because I am about to cry, and I don't want to."

So, Yay.

Hopefully, I will be in my cube, by myself, all day tomorrow, and no one will bring this up.  That's definitely my preference.

ANYWAY... it's cloudy this morning, and we have the windows open to air out the house before it gets hot.

We WERE going to go woods walking first thing, but I really needed to rest, so I didn't get up until 8, and then Dave changed his mind about wanting to go out for breakfast after, so we didn't go anywhere at all.

I am enjoying my coffee, am already showered, dressed, and have my make up on, so I am ready for whatever the day holds.

We might drive out to Kohl's and return some shorts that I ordered that I can't fit into.  It's SO frustrating how clothing sizes are NOT consistent!  Every other pair of shorts or pants that I own is this size, but these won't zip.

My garden barrels need some work, so maybe I will get that done this morning.  The lettuce was thriving, but it's dead after a hot week.

The potatoes need more soil piled around them, so that's got to be done.

Also, I got some pretty begonias to replace the dead petunias I had in the flower box on the front of the house.  That's a quick job, too.

Dave needs to do some trimming, and cleaning up outside, too.  Nothing big, though.

We are both so glad he's finally over his bug.  It's been exhausting for both of us, but especially him!  Neither of us can believe that his doctor's office never responded when he reached out to them.

Just.. wow.  He has a history of cardiac issues, and it's kind of important, when a patient is sick, to respond to them when they call.

At least WE think it is!

Anyway, have a great week!

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