The first real cold of the season has come to Oklahoma.
It was 33 F when I got up this morning, but now it's ten degrees colder, the temperature is supposed to continue to fall into the single digits, and the wind is raging at fifty miles per hour.
There is a horrible ice storm north of us, but, thankfully, it isn't headed this way.
It's starting to get chilly in the house, so we may turn on the little fake fireplace space heater shortly. It looks cozy.... I just wish we had a real fireplace. Oh well!
I don't have much to report today, and, in fact, forgot that it's my usual day to "blog."
The new year was nothing special, as usual... though my friend a few blocks away had a terrible fall, and broke a bone in her left hand, an her right forearm, and her nose.
I went over and took care of her on the evening of new year's eve, and have gone back several times to help out. I've done meal prep, and laundry, and fed her cats, that kind of thing. Dave went over and disconnected her garden hoses, ahead of this cold front.
She's having a really rough time, but has lots of friends helping her. Her appointment with the orthopedic surgeon is tomorrow. Hopefully, she won't need surgery!
She's also at the beginning of treatment for some pre-cancerous lesions in her 2025 is not treating her kindly, so far.
In other news, there really isn't any right now... HAHA....
I'm hoping we are told to work from home tomorrow due to the intense cold weather. I doubt it will happen, but it's possible.
Have a good week, and hopefully, you are warm and safe as winter has its way with us.
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