Monday, January 11, 2010

Oh, dear Gawd

So I had to undergo an "employee progress" conference call today, with myself, my direct supervisor, the director of our facility, and the regional rep above me, who appeared unannounced at our facility today.

I had no warning of this conference call.

The call was conducted by the person who has been coming here to train me since November. She, who spent 90% of her time when she was supposed to be training me guessed it....conference calls.

She was the only one not in the room with us.

It was perfectly awful. They cornered me and put me on the hot seat.

It started out with "Paula does a good job at this, and Paula does a good job at that....." but then it shifted to "But...these are our concerns....."

Apparently, I have not been supervising my direct reports sufficiently, nor have I been making enough collections calls.

I tried to defend myself as tactfully as possible.

I was honestly not trained on what I was supposed to DO to supervise my direct reports, and had even complained at one point about how I was hired to manage PEOPLE, but that this had not yet been included in ANY of my training.

I was also not trained on how to make collection calls, how to issue collection letters, which I did not even have copies of in my PC until after this meeting, or how to follow up on said calls and letters.

I was given an aging report, and told "call the people in these columns." Period. That was ALL the instruction I I did that...but, of course, I didn't know how to document that I did it, didn't know what to SAY to the people if I got them on the phone, and didn't have a clue how to issue the follow up letters that I didn't even have access to!!!!!

And so now, according to my direct supervisor, it's never been done, and no one believes that I did what I did, because no one showed me how to cover my ass.

And apparently, my direct reports were asked last week if I was doing what I didn't know I was supposed to be doing, and, of course, they said that made it harder for me.

I guess I am just supposed to know these things. By what? Osmosis??

It was perfectly awful.

My face and neck were beet red. My blood pressure was sky rocketing. I know I will have the joy of digestive upset later, too (that's how my body reacts to stress....been having a lot of digestive upset lately!)

When given the chance to speak, my voice shook. But I did my best to speak clearly, and to state plainly that I have been doing my best with the tools I have been given, and I suggested that perhaps some TRAINING on the items brought to light might be of some use.

Thus, I finally at least got copies of the collection letters that I could download.


It's bad. Really, really bad. I need to get out.

I have put in 3 applications since Friday. What else can I do? I have to try to tolerate it, and keep the paychecks coming as long as I can.

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