Sunday, January 10, 2010

Operatic adventures

Yesterday was a very busy Saturday.

We started out sort of late, around noon, with the knowledge (thanks to a message from my sister) that my Dad's favorite/our family favorite opera was being broadcast on the local classical radio station at just that time.

As I have blogged elsewhere, this opera is actually, in a way, responsible for the existence of myself and my siblings.

All I really know is that Dad was passionate about music, and that this one opera, "Der Rosenkavalier," by Richard Strauss, was his favorite.

I don't know if it had been his mother's favorite, too, or anything else about it....

...but there's part of the opera's story wherein a silver rose is presented to an intended bride, and the reason I say that this opera is responsible for our existence, is that Dad proposed to Mom in just that way.

I do not know any details, like did he have a friend present the rose, or did he do it himself? No idea.

Anyway, I am not, over all, familiar with opera as a genre. There are some I remember from my growing up, having to listen to opera every Saturday, but this one, in particular, is very, very familiar.

It was a treat to find out it was being broadcast.

So---first, we set out to go look at a new car for Dave. He has a strong idea of what he wants, and he was all ready to go look yesterday.....but when we got to the dealer's driveway, he bypassed it, and said "I am just not ready to have to deal with a car salesman!"

On we drove!!

Next stop, we got an oil change for the truck, and they let us sit in the truck during, so I could listen to the radio.

Unfortunately, we had heard all of the first act, and it was intermission.

Then, we visited Dave's parents, and arrived in the drive way JUST as act two was starting.

I just KNEW we were missing one of the favorite, most beautiful scenes, "the presentation of the rose" as we sat and chatted with his folks.

Sure enough, by the time we got back in the truck to head home, that scene was over....but we heard the rest of the second act.

Stopped at home, changed vehicles, loaded up dishes and clothes to donate, as well as the recycling, and the reusable shopping bags, and the grocery list.

Took the donations and recycling first, then went to the oil change place again. All this time, intermission #2. I was starting to get nervous.

Act three started JUST as we got out of the car.

We got my oil changed, and my tires rotated, and we missed almost all of the 3rd act. BUT, we made it back into the car before the Baron shouted "LEOPOLD! Wir gangen!!" (which is to say, "Leopold, we are OUTTA HERE!")

We drove to get the groceries.

In the grocery store parking lot we sat. And listened. I was NOT going to miss this next part!!

Dave reclined his seat, and I borrowed his handkerchief, and we heard the climactic scene at the end, which is some of the most resplendent music ever written.

I wiped my tears, and composed myself.

We went in and got the groceries.
We came home, unloaded the groceries and the recycling bins, and, put everything away.

We were both SO while we rested for a little while, I asked Dave to find the "presentation scene" on the internet.

We watched and listened to it.... and then I had some energy, and made dinner!

So, we really got a lot done yesterday (the tires on my car were past due for rotation by about 6 months!), and we got to hear most of the opera!

Thanks, Sister!!

Today....stay home, be lazy, do laundry.....

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