Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sunday rant

Seems that once things calm down here, I only have something to say on Sundays.

It's been another good weekend, but too rainy for the bikes. Lots of sleep for me, because Dave's been volunteering to snore on the couch instead of in the bed.

He is seeing an E.N.T. next week for the snoring issue.

Dave's most recent visit to the cardiologist went well. He is being backed off on the dosage of one of his medications, so that was good news. The doctor didn't say anything about the stress test he wanted for June, and Dave forgot about it too, so Dave will have to take the initiative and call to ask.

I am signed up for a dance class! The teacher invited me into a small, advanced study class that was already full, so that was pretty cool.

I can't wait to get moving again!

Things are pretty quiet otherwise. My mother in law is so sweet. When we visited yesterday, she hugged me tight just before we left, and stroked my hair, and said how relieved she and my father in law were that my breast tests came out okay.

It was quite sweet and touching. I almost cried standing right there!!

I don't think I have mentioned this before, but I continue to hear nothing from Felicia except when she needs something--which usually is prayers and healing thoughts.

Last time, it was because she fell and broke her nose.

Currently, her dad is recovering from a stay in the hospital for congestive heart failure. He's doing okay, but they've found mold in her parents' old house, and it's a mess.

Felicia texted me twice while Dave was in the hospital with a heart attack. Other friends were calling every day, and otherwise staying in close contact.
She has blatantly ignored my attempts to strike up email conversations with her about her trip to Egypt, which she never even told me she was going on.

(during my last get together with her and Priscilla before I moved, Priscilla was talking about the Egypt trip, and Felicia remained totally silent. Priscilla didn't even know Felicia was going until AFTER I moved. What's the point of that?)

The one email conversation we DID have since I moved was one in which she wrote to me as if I were uninformed about my own career as a massage therapist.

She insinuated that my level of knowledge of the law in OKC would naturally be lacking, assuming that I had NOT done my homework before pursuing licensing.

Her comments were "Better watch out, kiddo," "You're not in Lombard anymore, Dorothy!" and "This ain't Illinois!"

When I responded to her that I had read the law word for word, and that I HAD, after all, had the OKC health department come out, inspect my home based office, and license IT, she never replied.

She then missed my birthday entirely, and further chose not to involve me, in any way, in the bridal shower for Priscilla. I could have sent a card, or a gift, or called during the event. But I found out about it days after it happened. I was devastated.

Priscilla defended her, saying that she had said she tried to think of a way to involve me, but had decided not to pursue it, as it might upset me.

Bullshit.'s frustrating. First, it was the bridezilla scene last year, when she dumped me as matron of honor and forgot to tell me. Now this.

Yeah. Best friend indeed. I'm done.

End rant.

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