Sunday, December 11, 2022


 Our office party was nice, this past Wednesday.

The catered lunch was pretty good (the turkey was totally dried out), and it was great to see everyone all at once.

No one was coughing, or sniffling, everyone was well, and we had a good time.  I made the conscious decision to NOT wear a mask, because everyone was well, and there would be lots of food, and treats.

And then. 

On Friday, three people were off sick.  One admitted to testing positive for Covid. 

We got the email from the director very late in the day.  I replied that I needed to know if it was anyone with whom I had direct contact.... She was at the party, she saw who played the games with whom, and who sat next to whom.... 

She did not reply before I had to clock out, so I left my email program connected, and we headed out to do our grocery shopping. 

When we got back, she had replied an hour after we all had to clock out....but she refused to answer me as I asked her to.... (don't name names, just say YES, it was someone you were directly interacting with, or NO, it was not).  Apparently, she does not understand that I have a compromised immune system.

SO, I had to assume that YES, it had been someone I sat next to (who was one of the ones off sick).

There was nothing to be done for it.  

If I had brought it home, it was already in the house, and in Dave, so we just had to wait it out.

The current incubation period is estimated at 2.8 days, so, I figured if we got to Sunday (today) symptom free, that we'd be okay.

And we are, thank the Gods!

I have kn95 masks in my tote for the office tomorrow.  I have a face to face meeting with the new director, and with my new "supervisor".  If they are unmasked when I walk into the office, I will hand them masks.

I'm assuming, though, that they will have the sense to be wearing them already.

And, if the person who I think it was is not there tomorrow, that will be my confirmation that it was the person I sat next to, as we ate and laughed.

In other news, we have had more desperately-needed rain the past few days!  More is coming tomorrow. This is very good, and goes against the predictions we heard, earlier in the year, of a dry winter ahead.

Lastly, my 3-month scans are this coming Thursday.  I am hoping that my nurse will call me before the week is out, like she usually does.  My doctor appointment to actually discuss the results is not until the 20th.

We are dragging the Yuletide decorations out of the shed later today, and, hopefully, will get the tree put up. 

My anxiety is pretty high, regarding the scans, and this will be a nice distraction, and bring in a little cheer.

Have a good week!

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