Sunday, December 4, 2022

The one time...

 ... that I didn't take my phone on a woods walk.

It was Dave's idea to get up early today and go to Bluff Creek park, where we have often seen deer. 

This is the park where I really like to go off trail, and into the woods, to follow the deer tracks.

We got up moderately early and went.  It had rained overnight, and it was 35 degrees, so our hope was that there would be very few people there, and that the deer would be out and about.

I put on my lined pants and parka, Dave got his heavy jacket, and off we went.

We were not disappointed.

As soon as we were crossing the foot bridge into the park, there was a doe and her fawn right near the bridge.  

Just over the bridge, another doe crossing the paved trail.

Then.... the moment of moments....after we walked a ways down the southward path, I spotted two bucks to the right of the paved trail.  I saw the one who was up and foraging first. He was a smallish 4 point.

But then, a moment later, I noticed him:

A magnificent 8 point buck, reclining in the grass, mostly hidden by the scrub.  He was just stunning.... He saw us, but didn't spook.  They're pretty used to people, after all.

We stood, for several minutes, admiring the pair of gentlemen.  

At that moment, I wished that I had bothered to bring my phone, so that I could get pictures. My phone takes much better pictures than Dave's, but he was able to get one.

As we continued our walk, we continued to see deer... 11, in all.  

I'd been wanting, for years, to see a big buck, up close and safely.... so today fulfilled that wonderfully!

Not much else to report. Did I mention that my scan is scheduled for December 15th?  Follow up appointment is December 20th, so I get to clock out early on the day before my days off for Solstice and Christmas. 

With the change in management, I was able to get the days I wanted, at that time of year, for the first time at this job.  I am very well pleased about that!

Our office holiday luncheon is this coming Wednesday.  It will be nice to see everyone together all at once.  If everyone can come, this will be the first time we have all been in the office together since before the pandemic.  

With the exception of the large number of people who left in February, that is. Good riddance, I say.

Anyway, I've got most of my holiday gift shopping done.  Now, just waiting for things to arrive, so that I can wrap them and pack them up to send.

Have a good week. 

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